September 8, 2024

Ocean Sanctuaries Bridges Communities with Marine Conservation

Contact Information:
Ocean Sanctuaries

For Immediate Release

Bridging the Gap: How Ocean Sanctuaries Connects Communities with Marine Conservation
Empowering Citizen Science and Community Engagement in Marine Ecosystems

San Diego, CA – Ocean Sanctuaries, a San Diego-based nonprofit dedicated to marine conservation, today highlighted its ongoing efforts to connect communities with marine ecosystems through citizen science and educational outreach. This initiative aims to deepen public understanding of marine biodiversity and foster an inclusive approach to ocean conservation.

Our mission at Ocean Sanctuaries is to involve as many people as possible in the protection and study of marine environments,” explained Michael Bear, Co-founder of Ocean Sanctuaries. “By bridging the gap between scientific research and public engagement, we are not only enhancing our conservation efforts but also empowering communities to make a real impact.

Ocean Sanctuaries utilizes a variety of projects to facilitate community involvement, including:

Bioblitzes: These events gather community members to record as much wildlife as possible in a specific area, teaching participants about local biodiversity while collecting valuable data.
Educational Workshops: Aimed at schools and community groups, these sessions raise awareness about marine conservation and encourage active participation in citizen science.
Collaborative Research: Partnering with local scientists and other conservation organizations, Ocean Sanctuaries provides opportunities for community members to engage directly in ongoing research projects.

Every community engagement opportunity is a chance to educate, inspire, and make a tangible difference in our ocean’s health,” said Barbara Lloyd, Co-founder of Ocean Sanctuaries. “These interactions not only provide critical data for conservation but also help individuals realize the powerful role they can play in safeguarding our marine ecosystems.

About Ocean Sanctuaries
Ocean Sanctuaries is a nonprofit organization that focuses on empowering citizen scientists and enhancing marine conservation through education, outreach, and collaborative research. Founded in 2014 by passionate marine conservationists Barbara Lloyd and Michael Bear, Ocean Sanctuaries aims to engage the public in meaningful scientific research and promote the stewardship of oceanic environments. Through initiatives that bridge the gap between science and community, Ocean Sanctuaries fosters a deeper understanding and respect for the ocean, aiming to inspire and educate future generations on the importance of marine conservation.

To support Ocean Sanctuaries and contribute to its ongoing and future projects, donations can be made through their website or by clicking here. Every contribution helps in advancing marine conservation efforts and supporting the vital work of citizen scientists.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Name: Cecilia Grayeb
Title: Marketing Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 833.995.2555

Reading PA Press